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How Much Does a Furnace Service or Tune-Up Cost?

How Much Does a Furnace Service or Tune-Up Cost?

Your furnace plays a big role in your home’s comfort and overall health, but it can’t do this job all on its own. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring smooth performance and reliability. 

Whether you’re a new homeowner dealing with a furnace for the first time or simply looking to take the best care of your investment possible, there’s a lot you may be wondering about furnace service, like how much it costs. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you can expect to spend on your furnace to keep it in the best shape possible. 

How Much Does a Furnace Service Call Cost?

There’s no set price across the board when it comes to the cost of a furnace repair service call. However, there is an expected range, and it’s surprisingly affordable given all the work technicians do to keep your furnace healthy. 

A furnace tune-up will generally run you between $115 and $200. On average, a routine service call is going to run you about $140. 

Of course, this will vary depending on the service provider’s pricing and the condition of your furnace. If the HVAC technicians encounter an issue with your furnace, their visit will understandably cost a little more as they work to repair the problem. 

This visit may cost less, as many HVAC service providers will often run tune-up specials, which you can take advantage of to get your furnace serviced for a deal. 

Another factor that may impact the total cost here is the type of furnace you have. 

Gas Furnace Service Cost

A tune-up for a gas furnace falls in the $60 to $160 range, costing an average of $80 to $100. While regular maintenance of your gas furnace is on the lower end of the price spectrum, repairs for this furnace type will cost you more than other furnaces. Repairs for electric furnaces can range anywhere from $300 to $1,200. 

Electric Furnace Service Cost

The cost of an electric furnace tune-up varies greatly and will generally stay within the expected $115 to $200 range depending upon the service provider. If the need for repairs is noted during a tune-up, electric furnaces cost less to repair than their gas counterparts. You can expect to spend less than $300 on most electric furnace repairs. 

Oil Furnace Service Cost

Oil furnaces operate similarly to gas furnaces. A routine tune-up will stay in the expected price range at $80 to $100, while repairs costs can vary greatly. Oil furnaces are also in that $300 to $1,200 range for repairs. 

When you consider parts and varying labor costs, these estimates can go up or down quickly. Most components that will wear down in your furnace due to age will fall within the expected range for repair costs, while other parts will cost significantly more. These exceptions include:

  • Heat pump repair/replacement
  • Coil replacement
  • Condenser repair/replacement

If any of these major components of your furnace need repair or replacement, you may wind up paying more than the typical average repair costs. An experienced HVAC technician will work with you to find the most practical solution for your home and your budget. 

Furnace Cleaning Cost

The national average cost for furnace cleaning is between $60 and $80. You should optimally have your furnace cleaned annually to keep it performing optimally. Some of the most influential factors that may affect this pricing are: 


The type of furnace is the biggest contributing factor to how much you can expect to spend to have your furnace cleaned. Electric furnaces don’t have combustion, so they’ll be cheaper to have cleaned than gas and oil furnaces. 


Regardless of type, the average lifespan of a furnace is 15-20 years. If your furnace falls into this range, it may take more time and intensive labor to clean, which may affect the pricing. 

Overall Condition

Furnaces that have been regularly cleaned over the years won’t require as much labor or time to clean as a furnace that hasn’t. If the furnace hasn’t been receiving regular cleanings over the years, it can affect the parts, making it harder to clean and increasing the likelihood of repairs. 

An experienced HVAC professional will be able to assess these factors more thoroughly and provide you with an estimate as to how much you can expect to spend on a furnace cleaning. 

Furnace Repair Cost Per Hour

Labor costs vary from company to company but typically fall in the $75 to $125 range for routine service calls. You can expect to spend $100 to $200 in labor costs for up to a couple of hours of work on a standard service call. If you require emergency services after hours, these prices go up, and you’re looking at $200 to $300 on average. 

Furnace Tune-up Specials Near Me

If you’re a resident of Boise and the Treasure Valley area and searching for furnace service cost near me, TSS Home Comfort is your go-to for furnace tune-ups, cleaning, maintenance, and more. Call us today or check us out online to learn more about our Comfort Club Membership Program for big discounts and savings on furnace repairs and furnace replacements

Reach out to TSS Home Comfort now—our team is ready to restore warmth to your home. Contact us or call us at 208-908-4330.